I was guided to Reiki & Breathwork during the early stages of my healing journey. These modalities have benefited me greatly and I lean on both in my day to day life.

Reiki started as a powerful tool for self healing. I have completed my Reiki Master Practitioner training & I am excited to step forward with offering this healing to others in a safe space. Reiki is a beautiful healing modality that can benefit so many people during different stages of their life.

Breathwork has also been an important modality on my journey. This was also my first experience with healing in a group setting. Breathwork is a simple yet powerful tool that can improve overall well-being and can be easily incorporated into a daily routine. I will be looking to incorporate Breathwork into my offerings in the future.

I truly believe that we are guided to certain healing modality’s and facilitators/coaches when we are ready to dig deep and do the work.

Reiki Master Practitioner

About Meaghan Rebecca

I spent a few months in Cambodia at the start of 2023 where I was introduced to new ways of being and was able to immerse myself in different types of spirituality. I have felt a strong connection with the beautiful people of Siem Reap since my first visit. It’s a place where I have been able to practice Inner Child healing, before I even realised I needed to. My dream is to open a social enterprise so that I can give back to the people I feel so connected to. In the short term I will be finding ways to give back through Awakened Lotus Wellness.